You’d be surprised how much money you can save when you really put your mind to it. It’s the accumulation of lots of small choices and habits that dictate the path your finances take.
The money that you save might seem meaningless in small amount, but it truly adds up. It leaves more money in your bank account that you can use to pay off debt, save for the future, or do more of what you enjoy.
If you want to learn how to slash your grocery budget in just 5 days, check out the FREE Grocery Shopping Makeover Challenge!
I absolutely love saving money and wanted to start sharing how I save each week. Not to show off, but to hopefully demonstrate different ways to save and maybe inspire you to want to do the same.
I strive to save on groceries, eating out, clothes, gifts, gasoline, etc. You name it, and I want to save money on it.
My main motivation for saving money is to pay off our mortgage in the next 2-3 years. Every dollar saved is in honor of that goal.
Here is How I Saved in past weeks:
Week 4: No Spend Challenge (Almost)
Week 9: How I Saved $20 (while I had the flu)
Week 11: How I Saved Over 50% on Groceries
Week 12: How I Saved (Almost) $80
Week 14: Pantry Use-Up Challenge
Week 15: How I Saved (And Earned) $88
Week 16: How I Saved 75% On Groceries This Week
Week 23: Kroger ClickList Review – Find out if grocery store pickup services are right for you!
Week 25: How I Saved (and earned) $135
Week 27: How I Saved $45 (during a holiday week)
Week 28: How I Saved 66% on Groceries
Week 31: How I Saved Over $80 With Digital Coupons