Week 31: How to Use Digital Coupons
Welcome to the 31st week in the How I Saved Series! I was able to save a lot of money exclusively using digital coupons. Even if you don’t own a printer or receive the newspaper, you can use digital coupons!
If you are interested in learning some grocery shopping saving tricks, keep reading to find out how to use digital coupons best by combining them with sales and Ibotta rebates to stretch your grocery budget.
If you’re new, you can check out the rest of the How I Saved Series here.
Each week I share how I save money with the hope that these money saving methods can be useful in your life. You can put that savings toward something that is important to you.
We’re putting all the money we save toward paying off our mortgage early. What would you do with all the extra money you could save?
Tip: Check out the Money Saving Resources page to see the resources I use to plan my shopping trips!
This post may contain affiliate links. You can view my full disclosure policy here.
Here’s how I saved the week of July 30 – August 5:
Kroger had their 5x digital coupon promotion going on again this week. There’s a ton of great digital coupons that you can use on up to 5 items in the same transaction. For instance, the 50 cent off Classico pasta sauce coupon can be used to get up to 5 jars for 50 cents off each.
Kroger offers these coupons a few times a year. I always check the website Kroger Krazy to help plan my shopping trips.
This week at Kroger, I bought:
- Kroger brand pretzels (59 cents) – On sale for 99 cents, less a 40 cents off Kroger digital coupon
- (5) Quaker Chewy granola bars (99 cents each) – Sale priced for $1.99, with a 5x Kroger digital coupon for $1 off each
- (2) Ore-Ida fries ($1.69 each) – On sale for $2.69, with a $1 off each Kroger digital coupon
- (2) Downy fabric softener ($2.99 each) – Sale priced at $5.99, less a 5x Kroger digital coupon for $3 off each. (These are big bottles too!)
- (5) Pillsbury refrigerated biscuits (65 cents each) – On sale for $1.25, with a $3 off 5 Kroger digital coupon
- Sour cream (89 cents) – Regular priced at $1.39, minus a 50 cents off Kroger digital coupon
- Mom’s Best Old-Fashioned Oats (49 cents each) – At regular price of $1.49, less a $1 off each 5x Kroger digital coupon
- Kind Bar (FREE) – Free Friday Kroger digital coupon
- (5) Classico pasta sauce (44 cents each) – Like last week, Kroger again offered the 5x digital coupon for $1 off each, combined with their sale price of $1.99. The Ibotta rebate was available again, so I was able to get a 50 cent rebate on each jar, plus a 25 cents off ‘any item’ rebate.
Amount Spent (not including Ibotta rebates): $24.97
Amount Saved (not including Ibotta rebates): $36.70
Percentage Saved: 60%
If you want to learn how to slash your grocery budget in just 5 days, check out the FREE Grocery Shopping Makeover Challenge!
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At Meijer, I bought 6 pounds of ground beef. It was on sale for $1.79 a pound, so of course I had to stock up. I vacuum seal it in my Foodsaver in 1 lb. portions, and it never gets freezer burned!
Related reading:
30 Delicious Ways to Use a Pound of Ground Beef
How I Use My Foodsaver to Save Hundreds of Dollars a Year
Amount Spent: $10.74
Amount Saved: $11.70
Percentage Saved: 52%
Ibotta Savings: $2.75
As mentioned above, my Ibotta rebates were:
- 25 cents off any item
- $2.50 on Classico pasta sauce (50 cents back on each)
I earn cash back from Ibotta on almost every shopping trip. You can redeem your earnings for money or gift cards to zillions of places.
New to Ibotta? Sign up below and earn an extra $10 on your first rebate.
Click here to sign up for Ibotta, and get a $10 welcome bonus through this link!
Signing up through the app instead? Use code uwhaflc to get your $10 bonus.
Gasoline Savings: $5.72
I had a 40 cents off per gallon reward with my Kroger card. Make sure to do the survey on the receipt every week, which earns 50 fuel points each time. I also tried to make sure to shop at Kroger on the weekends in July, because they were offering double fuel points on the Fridays-Sundays.
Miscellaneous Savings: $24
Meijer offers their ‘Summer Bucks’ or ‘Santa Bucks’ a few times a year, where they have great coupons on the general merchandise. There’s $3 off a purchase of $14.99+, or $5 off an item priced at $24.99+, etc. I try to wait on pricier things we need until they have those coupons available. They’re available as both digital and printed coupons in the ad.
This time I bought a new toilet seat, and a 5-pack of refill toothbrush heads for our beloved Sonicare toothbrushes. How’s that for exciting? (hehe) The toilet seat was on sale for $5 off, plus I used a Summer Bucks coupon for $5 off, saving $10. The toothbrush heads were on sale for 20% off, and I used a $5 off Summer Bucks coupon, which saved $13.
Meijer also had an mPerk coupon for a free marble composition notebook, so I grabbed that while I was there as well.
Neither one of these items is too fun to spend precious money on, so it’s somewhat comforting to have at least not paid full price. I really feel like there is a way to save money on almost everything, if you’re willing to just get a little creative.
I hope this post gave you some ideas about how to use digital coupons. Remember the magic savings formula is sale + coupon!
Just a note: We also save money by doing as many things as we can ourselves: from yard work to car washes to house cleaning, etc. We try to not eat at restaurants very often either. All that adds up to a lot of savings each year!
Related articles:
- 5 ways to save money on groceries without using coupons
- 10 money myths that are keeping you broke
- Where to start when you’re flat broke
- 5 easy meal planning strategies for beginners
- 12 things frugal people don’t do
- 12 *more* things frugal people don’t do
You can catch up on the rest of the How I Saved posts here.
Don’t forget to check out the Resources Page for tons of other money saving resources!
How much money were you able to save this week?