35 Workout Motivation Tips to Kickstart Your Fitness Routine

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Do you find yourself wondering 'how can I stay motivated to exericse?' These 35 workout motivation tips are for you! Enjoy some motivation to exercise!

Does the thought of exercising fill you with dread? And you find any excuse not to do it? If you wish you could actually stick to a workout routine for once, here are 35 workout motivation tips to inspire you!

These fitness motivation tips will remind you that you should workout because you love your body, not because you hate it.

You’ll be able to wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction.

After all, a 30 minute workout is only 2% of your day.

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35 Workout Motivation Tips to Kickstart Your Fitness Routine

1. Only do types of workouts that you enjoy

You’re just more likely to stick with something that you don’t hate.

There are so many different varieties of workouts, so choose the ones you actually like.

2. Schedule it into your daily routine

Habits are triggered by some other event, so incorporate your workout at the same time each day.

Whether it’s right when you wake up, after work, or in the evening, schedule it following some certain daily action.

Set an alarm in your phone to remind you, if that helps.

3. Read success stories

Ideally, read success stories of people like you.

Fitness motivation can come in a variety of forms, but seeing how people you can relate to have succeeded is one of the best.

It helps you really imagine how you can change yourself too.

4. Be a good example

If you can’t always find the motivation to workout for yourself, consider the example you’re setting for your kids or others.

They will see how you make time to take care of yourself.

And they’ll get to enjoy you feeling good about yourself instead of being grumpy.

5. Set a realistic goal

Training for a 5k, being able to complete a workout class, or deadlifting 50 pounds are all examples of realistic, specific fitness goals you could set.

Make sure your goal is achievable within a relatively short amount of time.

That will inspire you immediately and encourage you to keep going.

Related: How to Set Goals You’ll Actually Achieve

Do you find yourself wondering 'how can I stay motivated to exericse?' These 35 workout motivation tips are for you! Enjoy some motivation to exercise!

6. Listen to or watch something you enjoy

Get the most out of your time and do your workout while you catch up on your favorite show, podcast, or Audible book.

Or make a ‘get psyched’ music playlist, Barney Stinson-style.

7. Make it about your sanity, not your vanity

Workout because it helps your mental health, not your waistline.

Those endorphins are seriously intoxicating in the very best way.

It takes a little while to notice your pants getting looser, but the happiness and pride happen immediately.

8. Try something new

If you think working out just means climbing the stairclimber machine day in and day out, try again.

There are so many different types of workouts available these days.



Amazon Prime and YouTube have so many fitness videos available for free! Simply changing up your routine will help keep you motivated.

9. Remember why you started

If you start making excuses about why you can’t workout, think back to why you started in the first place.

Was it because you wanted to feel better about yourself, build muscle, or walk up the stairs without stopping to take a break?

I bet you still want those things.

10. Find an accountability partner

Let’s be clear that you don’t need another nag in your life.

But choosing someone who will encourage you (and gently check on your progress) because they genuinely care about you can help keep you accountable.

Do you find yourself wondering 'how can I stay motivated to exericse?' These 35 workout motivation tips are for you! Enjoy some motivation to exercise!

11. Just do something

Stop waiting until there are some perfect circumstances!

It doesn’t have to be Monday, or January, or some other imaginary ‘ideal’ situation for you to start (or re-start) working out. You’re just procrastinating and you know it.

12. Lay your clothes out

Put your workout clothes on your bed or a chair in your room.

Somewhere that you will see them.

Or pack them when you go to work, so you can go straight to the gym.

If you stop home, you won’t leave again. Set yourself up for success by being prepared.

13. Take note of how you feel after a workout

Jot down how you feel post-workout and refer back to it when you’re avoiding exercise.  

Or take a picture of yourself when you feel proud and sweaty to use yourself as fitness motivation.

Also write down how you feel when you skip a workout for extra inspiration not to miss.

14. Keep a log

Keeping a workout log book helps you stay on course long-term.

You can refer back to it to see how far your workouts have come, or to remind yourself of past training regimens that were enjoyable or effective.

15. Take a class

Group fitness just makes working out more fun.

I would probably hate exercising if I didn’t go to spinning and boxing classes.

They’re more social than working out alone, and having a teacher guide you through means you don’t have to think about what to do.

Do you find yourself wondering 'how can I stay motivated to exericse?' These 35 workout motivation tips are for you! Enjoy some motivation to exercise!

16. Reward yourself

If you really struggle with losing motivation to workout, incorporate a reward system for yourself.

Maybe 4 weeks straight of regular workouts earns you a pedicure.

Or you can promise yourself a weekend getaway when you reach a milestone goal.

17. Adjust your mindset

Instead of thinking you have to workout, adopt the mindset that you get to exercise.

Appreciate the 30 minutes or an hour that you get to spend on yourself.

And that you live a life blessed enough where you get to move your body for recreation instead of physical labor or survival.

18. Switch it up

If you alway do the same workout, it might get old fast.

If you’re the type of person who thrives on change to keep life interesting, adjust your exercise regimen so you don’t get bored.

Try a new class, cardio machine, or running route.

19. Workout first thing in the morning

If you’re like me, you have to workout in the morning, or it’s just not getting done.

Checking off a meaningful task early sets you on a positive path, and it will give you energy for the whole day.

20. Exercise with a friend

Kill two birds with one stone (weirdest phrase ever) by catching up on a friendship while working out.

You’ll look forward to it more, and you two will make memories and have inside jokes about it in no time.

Do you find yourself wondering 'how can I stay motivated to exericse?' These 35 workout motivation tips are for you! Enjoy some motivation to exercise!

21. Make it a financial investment

If you’re the type of person who doesn’t like to waste money, having some ‘sunk cost’ invested can really motivate you.

Join a gym with a 1-year contract, hire a trainer or coach, or buy a new pair of running shoes.

22. Do a fitness challenge

30 day fitness challenges are an excellent way to jump start a workout routine.

You can target a specific body part, work up to a certain number of walking or running miles, or try something unique like a jump rope challenge.

Related: Twenty 30-Day Challenge Ideas to Change Your Life Today

23. Tell everyone

Tell all your friends and relatives that you’ve been working out.

The sheer fact that everybody knows and might ask you about it can be motivation enough to keep going.

If you’re doing a fitness challenge, share your progress on social media. You may even inspire others.

24. Sleep in your workout clothes

If you plan to exercise first thing in the morning, consider sleeping in your workout clothes.

When you wake up, you’ll be ready to go.

Plus, you won’t have to change out of your warm pajamas on a cold winter morning.

25. Avoid social media comparisons

It can be great workout motivation to follow inspirational, very fit people on Instagram.

But if you find yourself feeling bad about yourself every time they post, that’s just not the right fitness motivation for you.

Don’t compare yourself to others if it’s not productive.

26. Take up a sport or physical hobby

If formal exercise or joining a gym still sounds like torture, get your physical activity through a hobby.

Join a club or league sport, or take up tennis or raquetball with friends.

Do you find yourself wondering 'how can I stay motivated to exericse?' These 35 workout motivation tips are for you! Enjoy some motivation to exercise!

27. Have consequences if you miss a workout

Implement a little ‘punishment’ system for yourself.

Maybe you won’t allow yourself that fancy coffee or shopping trip if you’ve been slacking on your workouts.

28. Don’t exercise hungry

Have a little snack (and maybe some caffeine) before you workout so that you have the energy to do it properly.

Feeling hangry just isn’t going to do you any good, nor will the distraction of a rumbling stomach. And don’t forget your water bottle!

29. Find a competitor

If a little friendly rivalry drives you to work harder, find someone to compete with.

Start a friend challenge on Map My Run or Fitbit and see who can cover the most distance or log the most workouts.

30. Get a new outfit

Buying some new workout clothes can really inspire you to want to show them off.

Or just appreciate your own cuteness! There’s nothing like something fresh and new to reinvigorate you.

31. Track your progress

You could take your measurements once a month, weigh yourself once a week, or try on old clothes to see if they’re getting looser.

Do you find yourself wondering 'how can I stay motivated to exericse?' These 35 workout motivation tips are for you! Enjoy some motivation to exercise!

32. Surround yourself with good influences

Since we’re so easily swayed by those around us, it’s important to hang out with inspirational and productive people.

Bonus points if they exercise regularly and offer you workout motivation tips of their own.

33. Use apps to motivate you

Smartphone apps such as PACT or Diet Bet allow you to earn money for exercising.

The catch?

You have to pay them if you don’t keep your end of the deal.

The app Zombies Run turns your run into an interactive game. It sends you through a series of story missions, all while listening to music from your own playlists.

34. Join the RIGHT kind of gym

A gym with a nice community feel might be more enjoyable than one full of hardcore crossfit-types.

Or maybe you find the die-hard workout gurus motivational and helpful.

Be sure to join the type of gym that best suits your personality and goals.

35. Identify what’s holding you back

If you have a hard time sticking to a workout routine, ask yourself what the real reason is.

Are you trying to do an activity you hate?

Or is there something in your daily routine that needs to change?

Really examine your excuses to see why you’re hesitating.

In conclusion

Hopefully these workout motivation tips will help keep you inspired to exercise.

You will never regret a workout, but you will probably regret missing one.

We are what we repeatedly do, so if you want to feel fit and happy, moving your body daily is just necessary.

Remember that any exercise is better than no exercise!

Do you find yourself wondering 'how can I stay motivated to exericse?' These 35 workout motivation tips are for you! Enjoy some motivation to exercise!

Do you find yourself wondering 'how can I stay motivated to exericse?' These 35 workout motivation tips are for you! Enjoy some motivation to exercise!


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