The Easiest Way to Keep Track of Your Spending
How to use a spending log to keep track of your finances! This daily spending tracker printable will help you discover where your money is going so you can create a budget that actually works.
Money just seems to evaporate sometimes, doesn’t it? You get paid…but then you’re left wondering where the heck all the money went.
When it comes to managing your finances, the MOST important first step is knowing where your money is going.
Without this knowledge, you’re destined to wonder about that empty bank account forever!
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How do I keep track of my monthly spending?
The best way to keep track of your spending every month is to write down each and every time you spend money.
That’s the only way you’ll truly see how you’re spending those hard-earned dollars.
I created a free printable spending log pdf to make tracking your monthly spending really easy!
(You can grab yours further down in the post, along with lots of other printables to help you organize your whole life!)
What is a spending log?
A spending log is a record you keep of how you’re spending your money on a daily basis. It’s simply a tracker where you can log how much you spent, on what, and when you spent it.
Related: The 13 Habits of Financially Successful People
What is the purpose of a spending log?
A spending log will help you realize EXACTLY where you spend your money. Even if you think you know, a spending log takes the mystery out of why your bank balance always seems too low.
Related: 15 Spending Leaks that are Destroying Your Budget
What are the benefits of tracking your spending habits?
Tracking your spending allows you to better plan your budget, and helps you decide which problem areas you can cut back on to better manage your finances.
There’s just no way to create a successful budget until you have all the details. You can then start a plan to save money, pay off debt, or just have a bigger cushion in your savings account.
It’ll make you feel less anxious, because you actually have the facts in front of you. This will make you feel more confident about managing your money.
It can also help curb impulsive overspending, since you know you’ll have to log it!
Related reading:
- How to Pay Off Debt Quickly: 15 Ways to Start Today
- 15 Money Saving Challenge Ideas (with something for every budget!)
Printable Spending Log – Free Expense Tracker Template
Since I hear from so many of you that you’re struggling with keeping track of your finances, I created this spending log pdf.
In addition to the daily expense tracker template, you’ll get a printable monthly budget planner.
Sign up below to download your FREE spending log. It’ll be such a smart, easy step to improving your financial future!
(Note: If you’re already a subscriber, it’s waiting for you in the Freebie Vault!)
Final thoughts
Hopefully now you can see the importance and meaning behind using a spending log to track your spending habits.
If you don’t have a printer, you can just take a peek at the printable expense tracker, and then make your own in a notebook or your bullet journal.
No need to make excuses – anyone can do this!
Pro-tip: Feel like you’re in a vicious cycle of overspending? Check out the Overspending Rescue Plan! It’s helped so many people stop their frivolous spending, and create a better financial future for themselves.
Be sure to also check out:
- Budgeting for Beginners: A Step by Step Guide for Getting Started
- Sticking to a Budget: 15 Budgeting Tips for Beginners
- Where to Start When You’re Flat BROKE
P.S. Don’t forget to grab your free printable expense tracker and budgeting worksheet. You’ll also get access to tons of other resources to help you organize your home and life!)