Declutter Your Home Checklist: 135 Things to Get Rid of to Organize Your House Fast

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How to declutter a house…fast! Use the free printable declutter checklist included to declutter your home, and get it totally organized!

Ever wonder "how can I declutter my house quickly?" Use this printable declutter your home checklist. It's a list of 135 things to declutter and throw away!

Our home can sure get messy fast, can’t it?

You think you have it looking okay…then you trip over random items and practically sprain your ankle.

Do you ever look around your chaotic-looking space and anxiously wonder “how can I declutter my house quickly?”

Here’s the answer! Use this Declutter Your Home Checklist to get your house organized fast.

Maybe it’s the aftermath of a hectic season. Or just an everyday, compounding issue. Either way, this printable checklist will really streamline the decluttering process.

It will take you through every area of your home, and break down the best things to get rid of in each room of your house.

Forget fancy Marie Kondo decluttering methods. Stick with what’s tried and true.

I’ve created this checklist to teach you how to declutter a house, one item at a time. Consider it your decluttering cheatsheet.

Sign up below to grab your copy of the ‘clear the clutter checklist.’ I’ll send it right over!

(Note: If you’re already a subscriber, it’s waiting for you in the Freebie Vault!)


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Decluttering Your Home Checklist: 

Ever wonder "how can I declutter my house quickly?" Use this printable declutter your home checklist. It's a list of 135 things to declutter and throw away!

How to Declutter Your Kitchen Quickly:

Since everyone wants more space to streamline dinnertime, here are the best things to declutter from your kitchen.

  1. Storage containers
  2. Extra cups and mugs
  3. Plastic water bottles
  4. Dishes & bowls
  5. Cutlery – plastic/mismatched
  6. Paper products
  7. Refrigerator
  8. Freezer
  9. Junk drawer
  10. Pots & pans
  11. Baking supplies
  12. Kitchen utensils
  13. Cutting boards
  14. Casserole dishes
  15. Small appliances
  16. Oven mitts & hot pads
  17. Cleaning supplies
  18. Dish towels
  19. Spices
  20. Condiments
  21. Pantry
  22. Cookbooks
  23. Loose recipes

RELATED: How to Declutter Your Kitchen Fast (the exact action steps!)

Ever wonder "how can I declutter my house quickly?" Use this printable declutter your home checklist. It's a list of 135 things to declutter and throw away!

21 Things to Declutter in the Basement, Utility Room, & Garage:

Your basement and garage can quickly turn into a catch-all for things you don’t want to deal with. Here are some common cluttering culprits to sort through.

  1. Tools
  2. Nails, screws, bolts, etc.
  3. Light bulbs
  4. Batteries
  5. Extension cords & power strips
  6. Paint
  7. Shipping boxes
  8. Holiday decorations
  9. Pest & weed control supplies
  10. Gardening supplies
  11. Measuring tape
  12. Laundry supplies
  13. Matches & lighters
  14. Yard toys & bikes
  15. Hoses & sprinklers
  16. Exercise equipment
  17. Shelves
  18. Toys
  19. Sports equipment
  20. Luggage
  21. Remnants of past hobbies

RELATED: 6 Things to Do Every Day to (Always!) Keep Your House Clean

Ever wonder "how can I declutter my house quickly?" Use this printable declutter your home checklist. It's a list of 135 things to declutter and throw away!

23 Things to Declutter from the Bathroom:

If it’s been a hot minute since you sorted through your bathroom cupboards, here are some ideas for organizing that small space.

  1. Expired prescriptions & medications
  2. Expired vitamins & supplements
  3. Makeup
  4. Makeup brushes
  5. Nail polish & files
  6. Hair products
  7. Hair ties & bobby pins
  8. Travel-size products
  9. Hair appliances
  10. Towels & washcloths
  11. Lotion & sunscreen
  12. Skin care products
  13. First aid products
  14. Feminine products
  15. Makeup & travel bags
  16. Brushes & combs
  17. Cleaning supplies
  18. Razors & razor blades
  19. Tweezers
  20. Toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, & mouthwash
  21. Bath toys
  22. Air fresheners
  23. Vanity

Ever wonder "how can I declutter my house quickly?" Use this printable declutter your home checklist. It's a list of 135 things to declutter and throw away!

13 Things to Declutter from Your Bedroom and Closet:

Use this bedroom declutter checklist to organize your messy room and closet.

  1. Clothing
  2. Shoes
  3. Accessories (scarves, belts, hats)
  4. Jewelry
  5. Hangers
  6. Socks
  7. Undergarments
  8. Bedsheets
  9. Purses & bags
  10. Knick knacks
  11. Nightstand
  12. Drawers
  13. Kids’ & baby clothes and supplies

Wondering what to keep and what to toss when it comes to paper clutter? Many of these items you can get rid of without a second thought.

When it comes to important documents, keep and organize them for the proper time. Then feel free to shred them!

Helpful paper organization resources:

Tax records should be kept for 3 years. Your monthly bank statements don’t need to be kept for more than 1 year (though you should be able to access them online anytime). Paycheck stubs should be kept for 1 year as well.

It’s really up to you how long you feel comfortable keeping your important documents. But for proper paper clutter management, be sure to keep them filed away neatly so you know where to find them in a pinch.

Ever wonder "how can I declutter my house quickly?" Use this printable declutter your home checklist. It's a list of 135 things to declutter and throw away!

25 Types of Paper Clutter to Get Rid Of:

  1. Newspapers & sales ads
  2. Magazines & catalogs
  3. Coupons
  4. Mail
  5. Instructional manuals
  6. Bills
  7. Used checkbooks
  8. Paystubs
  9. Wrapping paper, gift bags, & tissue paper
  10. Greeting cards
  11. Phone books
  12. Notebooks, journals, & planners
  13. Novels
  14. Filing cabinet
  15. Scrapbooking supplies
  16. Loose photographs
  17. Business cards
  18. Kids’ schoolwork
  19. Tax paperwork
  20. Medical records
  21. Bank statements
  22. Maps & travel brochures
  23. Insurance paperwork
  24. Takeout menus
  25. Stationery

Ever wonder "how can I declutter my house quickly?" Use this printable declutter your home checklist. It's a list of 135 things to declutter and throw away!

30 Miscellaneous Things to Declutter at Home:

Here are some things you probably have lying around your house that you might not even realize are making your home look cluttered.

  1. Candles
  2. Office supplies
  3. Pens, pencils, crayons, & markers
  4. Musical instruments
  5. Rewards cards
  6. Spare change
  7. Small appliances (shredders, label makers, space heaters, cd players)
  8. Shipping & mailing supplies
  9. CDs
  10. DVDs
  11. Video games
  12. Video game consoles
  13. Board games & puzzles
  14. Chargers & cords
  15. Old cell phones & phone accessories
  16. Craft supplies
  17. Sewing supplies
  18. Keys
  19. Knick knacks
  20. Remote controls
  21. Eyeglasses & sunglasses
  22. Pet supplies
  23. Coat closet
  24. Car & trunk
  25. Linens (blankets & pillows)
  26. Shopping bags
  27. Furniture
  28. Lamps
  29. Houseplants
  30. Reference books (ie. dictionaries)

Ready to grab your house organization checklist?

I really hope this list of things to declutter and the free printable decluttering checklist will help you organize your house quickly.

Even if you just picked one task per day, you’d have your entire house decluttered in just a few months.

If you were highly motivated, you could even do it in 30 days or less! Armed with this printable pdf Declutter Your Home Checklist, you’ll know exactly what to do!

More Decluttering Inspiration:

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Ever wonder "how can I declutter my house quickly?" Use this printable declutter your home checklist. It's a list of 135 things to declutter and throw away!

Ever wonder "how can I declutter my house quickly?" Use this printable declutter your home checklist. It's a list of 135 things to declutter and throw away!

decluttering your house checklist

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