10 Minute Chores: Cleaning Tasks To Do When You’re Short on Time
When you’re short on time, cleaning may be the last thing on your mind. Maybe you think keeping your house clean takes a really long time, and you end up spending half the weekend catching up.
But, there’s a solution! Try doing 10 minute chores instead.
There are actually a lot of 10 minute increments that we tend to waste each day. Instead of reaching for your phone to check social media when you have 5-10 minutes, try accomplishing one of these cleaning tasks.
If you have a hard time getting motivated to clean, just start by doing one thing. Honestly, that’s all it takes sometimes. When you see your little accomplishment, it’ll make you want to keep going!
Set a timer for 10 minutes, and just start.
Related articles:
- 6 Simple Ways to Keep Your House Clean ALL THE TIME
- 12 Tricks to Motivate Yourself to Clean When You HATE Cleaning
- Get Your Closet Organized With These 10 Easy Tricks
- Why Homemaking Is More Important Than You Realize
Or maybe you suddenly get word that someone is going to stop by your house in a half hour. If you’re embarrassed by the mess, do a few of these 10 minute chores. Concentrate on the areas that your company will actually see.
Check out this list of household chores that take 10 minutes. Do a few of them each day, and actually enjoy your weekend instead of spending it cleaning your house.
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10 Minute Chores:
In the Kitchen:
- Do the dishes – Grab some lovely-scented dishwashing liquid and pretty cleaning gloves, and tackle those pots and pans.
- Unload and reload the dishwasher
- Clear off and wipe down the kitchen table
- Clear off and wipe down the countertops and change the hand towels
- Sweep or Swiffer the kitchen floor
- Clean the microwave and sink drain – Use the Angry Mama to make cleaning the microwave easier. And this Glisten stuff is AMAZING for cleaning out the garbage disposal. Plus, it’s so fun to use!
- Toss expired items from fridge and freezer – Try one of these fridge refreshers to keep your refrigerator smelling fresh.
- Wash the coffee pot and wipe down spills in the fridge
- Wipe out the utensil drawer – It’s probably grosser than you’d expect.
- Tidy and declutter junk drawer – This interlocking drawer organizer can help keep it clean from now on.
- Write out your weekly meal plan – Grab meal planning printables below!
In the bathroom:
- Clean the shower –This is the best shower cleaner that I’ve found.
- Clean the toilet and wipe down the bathroom sink
- Tidy up the medicine cabinet – Sort and toss old prescriptions and vitamins, and wipe down the shelves.
- Wash your makeup brushes – This makeup brush cleaning pad will help!
- Sweep or Swiffer the bathroom floor
In the bedroom:
- Make your bed – It won’t even take 10 minutes, I promise!
- Change your sheets and rotate the mattress
- Put away clothes that are laying around
- Dust your hard furniture surfaces
In the laundry room:
- Fold a load of laundry
- Put a load of laundry in the washer and move a wet load to the dryer
- Put away clean laundry
- Clean the laundry tub and wipe down the outside of the washer and dryer
- Hand wash a dry clean only garment
In the living room:
- Use a carpet sweeper – When I don’t have time to pull out the vacuum, I just use my carpet sweeper to quickly pick up lint and crumbs.
- Aromatherapy – Turn on your oil diffuser, and infuse your home with a lovely fresh scent.
- Dust the hard surface furniture and picture frames
- Wipe down the remotes with disinfecting wipes
- Grab a basket and fill it with everything that’s laying around – If you have time, you could put it all away too.
- Tidy up – Remove any drinking glasses, water bottles, etc. that are sitting around. Fold the blankets and nicely place and fluff the pillows.
- Vacuum the couch – There are somehow always tons of crumbs under the cushions.
In the foyer or entryway:
- Windex the front door and mirror
- Tidy up – Put away shoes, coats, backpacks, dogleashes etc.
- Shake out the mat and sweep or Swiffer the floor
- Open and sort the mail – Using this entryway mail organizer and key rack could keep the area tidier going forward.
- Wash their food and water bowls
- Change the kitty litter
- Remove pet hair from furniture – Try this pet hair remover to make life easier.
- Brush pet – So you don’t have to constantly clean up fur, check out these deshedding gloves. Your furry friend will feel like they’re being petted!
- Clean up dog poo in the yard
In the garage:
- Tidy up your car – Wipe down the dashboard and cupholders in your car, and get rid of any trash.
- Straighten up the garage – Any tools, yard implements, or extension cords can be quickly put away for a tidier look.
- Empty your trunk – Bring in or throw away anything you don’t need to keep in your trunk, and use this trunk organizer to keep it tidy all the time.
Around the house:
- Empty all the trash cans
- Wipe down lightswitch plates and doorknobs with disinfecting wipes
- Organize your paper clutter – Put any random newspapers, sales ads, and old magazines in the recycling bin.
- Clear your email inbox – I get SO many emails from Michael’s, Kohl’s, and Bath and Body Works. When you get a few minutes, go through and delete the emails you don’t need.
- Clean out your purse – It fills up with crap so fast, doesn’t it? A purse organizer like this one can help keep it clean from now on.
- Clean all the ceiling fan blades
- Change out the furnace filters
- Change the vacuum bag or rinse out the vacuum filter and dust bin
- Water plants and remove any brown, dead leaves
- Unclog slow drain – These drain clog remover tools will help get the gunk out with using chemicals.
- Get the cobwebs out of all ceiling corners – This microfiber duster with extension pole will make it easier.
There you have it, over 50 cleaning tasks that take 10 minutes or less. I hope you enjoyed this list of 10 minute chores, and feel inspired to do some of them when you have a chance. Sometimes 10 minutes is all we have on a busy day.
Remember, it’s much easier to keep your house tidy than have to spend all day cleaning it! If you want a list of 6 things to do every day to keep your house clean all the time, check out this post!
Linking up with The Thrifty Couple for Thrifty Thursday
A lot of items on this list only take a short time to do. I have used the fly lady method for years and some of these easy tasks can be entered into her weekly routines and daily routines. Cute puppy!
Hi Michelle! I absolutely love quick and easy chores too! I’ll have to check out the Fly Lady methods more. I’ve definitely heard of them. Thanks for reminding me!